A virtual tour takes a book through online sites that feature content about the author and title during a short length of time. Virtual tours became popular when the value of book bloggers’ followings became apparent in terms of exposure, promotion, and book sales. On a virtual tour, the book is toured on blogs, forums, social networking pages, frequently updated websites, and video sites.  Content during a tour may include interviews, excerpts, author videos, book trailers, podcasts, original reviews, review snippets, endorsements, cover art, headshots, candids, author essays, articles, book giveaways and guest blog posts.

The Emeralds Virtual Book Tour launched on June 15, and will continue for the next month or so. Stops of the book tour are listed below. Specific urls will be updated as they come available.

6/15, My Seryniti, http://bit.ly/154GjXk , review by Nova Reylin

6/15, Romance Reviews Todayhttp://bit.ly/19zUCKl , review by Jani Brooks

6/15 – 6/29, GoodReadshttp://bit.ly/1bJQNPg, signed paperback giveaway

6/16, Examinerhttp://exm.nr/11E4bPu  , trailer

6/16, Pop Junkeehttp://bit.ly/128FUku , trailer

6/17, Straight from Hel Bloghttp://bit.ly/16bqHn9 , guest post and giveaway

6/18, Page 99 Testhttp://www.page99test.com/read-my-page/2154 , excerpt

6/19, Historical Novels Infohttp://bit.ly/1ardzxL  , listing (scroll down to The Continent – 14-15th Centuries)

6/19, English Epics 101http://englishepochs.blogspot.com/ , release announcement

6/21 Historical Fiction Dailyhttp://paper.li/histnovel/1311169881 , guest post

6/23 – 6/29, Venture Gallerieshttp://venturegalleries.com/guest-blog/reviving-the-many-wonders-of-medieval-muslim-spain  , guest post

6/23, Venture Gallerieswww.venturegalleries.com/books  , listing

6/24, Candle Beam Books Bloghttp://www.candlebeambooks.com  , review by Beth Diiorio

6/26, PWRNetworkhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/pwrnetwork , radio interview with Lillian Cauldwell

6/30 – 7/13, The Celebrity Caféhttp://bit.ly/10tr8sl , signed paperback giveaway

7/1, English History Authors Bloghttp://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-collision-of-english-history-with.html , article and anthology entry

7/1 – 7/8, English History Authors Bloghttp://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html , signed paperback giveaway

7/4, Haselton Reviews and Interviewshttp://lisahaseltonsreviewsandinterviews.blogspot.com/2013/07/interview-with-debut-historical.html , interview and excerpt

7/10, Southern Writers Magazine Bloghttp://southernwritersmagazine.blogspot.com , article

7/14, Fresh Fiction Blog , http://freshfiction.com/pages.php?id=blog , guest post

7/14 – 7/18, Fresh Fiction Bloghttp://freshfiction.com/pages.php?id=blog  , signed paperback giveaway   


More stops pending! Stay tuned!